Monthly Meeting

Donald Courthouse Centre 66 Woods Street, Donald, Victoria, Australia

Peter Clark - Donald Meatworks

Monthly Meeting

Donald Courthouse Centre 66 Woods Street, Donald, Victoria, Australia

James Burke: BB Harvesting

Monthly Meeting

Donald Courthouse Centre 66 Woods Street, Donald, Victoria, Australia

Geoff Park: Birds of Our Catchment

Monthly Meeting

Donald Courthouse Centre 66 Woods Street, Donald, Victoria, Australia

Carol Campbell: Air B&B Business

Monthly Meeting

Pearse Farm

John Coats and A. Pearse: trip to view Coats and Pearse memorial plaques

Annual Meeting

Donald Courthouse Centre 66 Woods Street, Donald, Victoria, Australia

Election of Officers Subscriptions due

Monthly Meeting

Donald Courthouse Museum Donald, Vic, Australia

Shane O'Shea    The O'Shea family history

Monthly Meeting

Donald Courthouse Museum Donald, Vic, Australia

Speaker: Colleen Tonkin: My time as a hairdresser