Annual dinner

Mount Jeffcott Hotel 69 Woods Street, Donald, Vic, Australia

date and time to be arranged

Monthly meeting

Donald Courthouse Centre 66 Woods Street, Donald, Victoria, Australia

John Kumm - A Fulfilled Life

Monthly Meeting

Donald Courthouse Centre 66 Woods Street, Donald, Victoria, Australia

Allen Postlethwaite: Agriculture Through Time - 1844 to 2021

Monthly Meeting

Donald Courthouse Centre 66 Woods Street, Donald, Victoria, Australia

Kelvin Clark - Kooka's and Other Businesses

Monthly Meeting


Michael Burchill: Meeting and /Tour of Banyena

Monthly Meeting

Donald Courthouse Centre 66 Woods Street, Donald, Victoria, Australia

Peter Clark - Donald Meatworks

Monthly Meeting

Donald Courthouse Centre 66 Woods Street, Donald, Victoria, Australia

James Burke: BB Harvesting

Monthly Meeting

Donald Courthouse Centre 66 Woods Street, Donald, Victoria, Australia

Geoff Park: Birds of Our Catchment